Friday, April 13, 2007

Take 2

Manhattan test sucks bigtime. I just hated to do the stupid new form of critical reasoning they gave. And i wasted 5 mins and all the concentration with the buggy scrollbar of the reading comprehension. Result was as I hoped, I couldn't even touch 700. A projected score of 670-690... And on analysis I realized I did 7 out of 14 CRs wrong. Normally CR is my strongest area in GMAT verbal.

And my friends told me not to hurry into full length tests. I think they are right. I'll do only OG and sectional practice tests.

Last weekend I had practiced OG. I gave myself 50 mins for 30 Cr questions. And a reward scheme. A cold drink for 5-10 mistakes, a chocolate for 1-5 mistakes and a surprise gift for none. i think I had underestimated myself. I made only 3 mistakes and was happy about it. So did I deduce that I am not bad at CR.

This weekend starts today. Lets see how far do I go this weekend.

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