Saturday, December 15, 2007

Where've you been??

If someone follows my blog then this might be a question in his mind about me. Well, I've been very much here just that life has taken a topsy turvy road in last one month or rather last 3 months. Anyways, I do have updates from my side. A ding from Kellogg, a ding from ISB finally, no interview call from Tuck. Now I guess I have given enough reasons for my staying off the blog. But there's more to it. Checked my gmail at 8 am on thursday only to find no mails as usual. And then while at office, at 11:30 noticed that there was a mail in my mailbox about status change...

One more ding... This was the first thing that came into my mind. Logged into my profile reluctantly But hang on... its something else.

This was an interview call from Darden. Finally something for me.

any tips?

more in next post.
